Jiu-Jitsu Gear
Here at Kinji San you will find many top selling well known jiu-jitsu brands. Â Brands such as Kingz, Maeda, Tatami Fight Wear, Fuji, Ronin, Atama, Koral, Bull Terrier & Venum are just a handful of brand we offer that are known world wide. Â Various gi weights from summer/light/ultra light to double weave are offered. Â Most are pre-shrunk which means that minimal shrinkage will happen (less than 1.5%). Majority of the bjj gis we offer are IBJJF regulated.
We also have many gi brand matching bjj belts. Â You can check out the Bjj belts page to view or wide selection of jiujitsu belts.
Be sure to check out our Jiu-jitsu No-gi pages - rash guards, spats, & shorts. Â There you will find items that are IBJJF approved along with other cool nicely designed Bjj gear.